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Dr.  Ron Drew  Stone
Center for Performance and ROI,  USA

Title: Observations of Dominant Behaviors and Habits of an Effective Leader


Leadership behavior is at the center of organization performance. Organizations dedicate significant resources to develop leaders so that work teams will achieve organization goals. Theories abound about the traits, characteristics and behaviors that make for the best leaders. Since team members and others who work closely with leaders are in a good position to know the answers, I asked these employees what type of leader and which leader behaviors influence them to do the work and stay connected with the organization. The research identified numerous behaviors and habits that facilitate communication, trust, respect, working relationships, and positive performance. These findings are arranged in two guides, each with an array of behaviors. One guide is for building leadership character and the other is for influencing connection conversations. Both guides are beneficial to leaders as they engage their team to achieve organization goals. A leadership workshop is forthcoming that focuses on applying the guides along with tools for leaders to connect with teams and achieve individual and organization performance goals.
Key Words: Connections, Respect, Trust, Leader, Behavior, Habits, Willingness, Character, Compassion., Performance.


Ron Drew Stone is an author, consultant, speaker, coach, and an internationally recognized authority on improving performance and measuring results. He has been owner and president of the Center for Performance and ROI since 1995.

Ron has consulted with clients around the globe on leadership, human performance, and measurement of results, and he has certified practitioners in his trademark measurement and return on investment (ROI) process. He conducts in-house workshops on Leadership; Performance Management; and Measurement and ROI. He has conducted over 700 business impact studies and directed hundreds more while coaching and consulting with clients around the globe.

Ron served three terms as Chair of the Edison Electric Institute’s Executive Leadership Program for senior officers in the electric utility industry.  He received the Pioneer Award from the Alabama Healthcare Council for his leadership of a three year major change initiative to improve the quality and cost of healthcare in the state of Alabama. Ron received the Global Leadership Award from the Global HR Congress.

Ron authored The Real Value of Training: Measuring and Analyzing Business Outcomes and the Quality of ROI, McGraw-Hill, 2011 and Aligning Training for Results, a Process and Tools that Link Training to Business, Pfeiffer, 2009.  Ron is a certified change consultant, and a certified measurement and ROI professional (CMRP). He is a graduate of Georgia State University with a BBA.

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